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Fuel Your Health and Mind With
Renal-Friendly, Diabetic Delights!
Bringing you the latest on kidney-diabetes-related blogs and recipes, one ingredient at a time.

Iron Rich Foods For Dialysis Patients: According to A Dietitian
Iron Rich Foods For Dialysis Patients: According to A Dietitian Iron and Kidneys Feeling weak? Low energy? Feeling cold all the time? Most likely your body has low iron. Low iron leads to anemia. In

Phosphorus in Drinks: According to Dietitian
What drinks are low in phosphorus?
Do all soft drinks have phosphorus?
The answer and MORE is here.

Renal Diet Drinks: Mocktails and MORE
Things do not have to be boring when you are on a renal diet. Yes, you read that right! Checkout my mocktails recipes here that are delicious, refreshing, pretty to look at; minus the hangover. YAS.

Low Phosphorus Breakfast Foods: Tasty & Simple Options by A Dietitian
What does a kidney-friendly breakfast look like? Ranging from low phosphorus cereal options, omelet, to a smoothie, I have the answer for YOU. Top 8 Breakfast Ideas For Renal Diet: Low Phosphorus.

Low Potassium Meats (and Veggies): For CKD
In this blog, I’d like to help you make the right choices in meat and vegetables to keep that potassium level down.

Papaya Juice: Benefits and More According to Dietitian
Each part of the papaya plant, starting from the roots, leaves and fruits, is known to have medical benefits due to its natural antioxidant properties such as reducing inflammation, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic and wound healing.